Post Processing

After each CESM / RASM simulation, it is necessary to do a certain amount of post processing on the output files before comprehensive analysis can be performed. This page provides a brief explination of how a few of the RASM model components are post processed and the tools used from the rasmlib package.


rasm_post_process: a command line script that performs batch post processing on model output. It can be run using multiple cores using Python multiprocessing module. See the Scripts page for information on usage of this script.



Current VIC output requires two steps of post processing. Step 1: The time variable and filename timestamp must be corrected. Step 2: Model output is concatenated to 3 levels of model output:

  • monthly mean diurnal cycles: requires hourly model output timestep.
  • daily timeseries: requires daily or subdaily model output timestep.
  • monthly timeseries: performed for any model output timestep


Output from these models is post processed in the same way as for the VIC model except there is no need to adjust the time variables or timesteps.