
rasmlib includes two command line scripts:

  1. rasm_post_process: this script runs a set of utilities to concatenate and adjust RASM output files. Its implementation is fairly generaric and has been used to post process output from the VIC, RVIC, ATM, and CPL components.
  2. rasm_analysis: this script is currently underdevelopment and is intended to provide a very flexible interface to doing batch analysis on RASM output.


usage: rasm_post_process [-h] [–output_preset OUTPUT_PRESET]
[–processed_dir PROCESSED_DIR] [-np NUMOFPROC] config_file short_term_archive

Generic RASM history file post processing script

positional arguments:
config_file Input configuration file short_term_archive Case short term archive directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--output_preset OUTPUT_PRESET
 Input configuration preset
--processed_dir PROCESSED_DIR
 Input configuration file (default=$WORKDIR/processed/$RUN/$COMPONENT)
Number of processors used to run job


usage: rasm_analysis [-h] config

positional arguments:
config Input Configuration File
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit